For generations, the YMCA has been known for its commitment to family life. YMCA programs and services have grown and adapted to the changing needs of families. Today, more and more parents are looking for quality, yet affordable childcare they can depend on. Whether your child is attending our infant/toddler program, preschool or our school-age child care program, our goal is to provide a safe, fun environment.

All YMCA Child Care programs emphasize our four core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility through day to day experiences, activities, and lessons. Our staff serve as positive role models and provide care that is supportive, nurturing, warm and responsive to each child's needs. Our open-door policy and parent communication tools allow parents the freedom of knowing what their children are doing at all times during the day. Like all Y programs, childcare is open to all.

The Buckeye Valley Family YMCA childcare center is licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.

All Day Childcare

Child Watch



Child Care


School Age Care

Young girl playing with a rocket ship.


Drew’s YMCA Story

We are so thankful to the Buckeye Valley YMCA and truly feel that our son’s time there has made a huge difference! Drew was introduced to the YMCA program Pre-K participating in gymnastics and swimming classes. This was a great way to get him involved in extracurricular activities and start socializing since he is an only child. Both programs ran smoothly. Drew looked forward to attending every week.

Andy & Betha Yarian