
Our New BVFYMCA App is Here! 

Get all the day to day information you right at your fingertips.

Available for iPhone and Android!

Delete The Previous App

Go ahead and delete the previous BVFYMCA Application. Our new app has been released and provides users with a new, simplified experience. The BVFYMCA App with the Green Logo Icon will no longer be supported on 2/10/2025.

One Streamlined Log-In

  • The new BVFYMCA App allows members to register for both classes and programs using their Membership Log-In. Download our app and select member log-in. Then enter your email or phone number you provided when creating your YMCA Membership. Click next and enter your password, or you can reset a password reset. Just like that, you signed into your personalized app experience! 

Exercise Schedules

  • Have a class in mind? Search class times based on your class name. Find a list of classes, instructors, descriptions, and locations.
  • Daily class schedules.

Water Schedules

  • Search pool schedules and water aerobics based on class name, dates and more.

Programs & Events

  • See upcoming YMCA programs such as sports registrations, new classes, new videos and more.
  • Share this info instantly with your friends and family.

Facility Status

  • Need to know if a sports practice or game is canceled? The Facility Status service gives you up to the minute status info.
  • Pool closed? Snow closures? We can tell you.