Volunteers are key to the success of the YMCA.
Volunteers are key to the success of the YMCA.
Volunteerism is the backbone of the YMCA. Without selfless volunteers, many activities and services could not take place. Volunteers serve on committees, task forces and the Board of Directors; volunteering at all levels including programming, supervision, and clerical areas.
The YMCA is a membership organization. Each member has a vested interest in the affairs of the YMCA. We need and encourage volunteer support and participation. Please contact a member of our staff for information on how you can become a YMCA volunteer!
Or contact a branch:
Licking County Family YMCA
Telephone: 740-345-9622
Fax: 740-349-8535
Email: lcfymca@bvfymca.org
West Licking County Family YMCA
Telephone: 740-964-6522
Email: Dana.Moore@bvfymca.org
Muskingum County Family YMCA
Telephone: 740-454-4767
Email: Tennille.Fleming@bvfymca.org